The parade will start promptly at 9:00 AM. Lineup for the parade will begin at 7:30 AM in the Tabernacle Baptist Church parking lot at the corner of Douglas Street and Church Street.
Please remember that the event is a fundraiser, and all proceeds benefit local charities.
All participants must follow all of the guidelines below, so please share this information with all members of your group.
- PARADE ENTRIES are subject to approval of the July Fourth Committee. The Board, or its designated Parade Coordinator, may
in their discretion reject any entry which it deems incompatible with the theme of our Fourth of July Parade or is unsafe. - VEHICLES and their operators must all be licensed and have liability insurance that complies with Georgia law. Upon request, any
entrant or driver shall provide proof of insurance and their valid driver’s license. Larger motorized vehicles must have two spotters
on foot walking at the front sides of the entries to make sure that children are out of the way as it travels down the parade route. - FLOATS that have occupants riding on them must have a railing to prevent occupants from falling off. Any chairs on the float
must be affixed to the float to prevent it from falling off the float. Occupants must be seated in a secured chair or holding a secured
railing or object at all times. - CANDY cannot be thrown from entries in accordance with city ordinance. You can walk along the parade route with your entry
and hand out candy. - HORSES AND ANIMALS are not allowed in the Parade unless proof of liability insurance in an acceptable amount is provided to
the July Fourth Committee. or its designated Parade Coordinator two days prior to the time the Parade starts. YOU MUST PROVIDE
CLEAN UP FOR YOUR ANIMALS! The name and contact information for those responsible for cleaning up after your animals
must be turned in to the Parade Coordinator two days prior to the event. - CHILDREN’S ENTRIES that include a child under the age of 12 must have an accompanying adult with them at all times.
- NO SMOKING is permitted in the staging area by request of the July Fourth Committee.
- FOLLOW all instructions from parade officials.
- PARKING – The parade staging area will be unavailable for vehicles that are not in the parade. This means that absolutely no cars
will be able to enter this area if they are not part of the parade. Parking is available at other area lots.